
The Ugly Stepsister
Doris the ugly stepsister has been featured in the new hit movie Shrek 3. She can be found with Fiona's "princess posse" as i like to call it. The heroic bartender helps her new friend escape the clutches of Prince Charming and his goons. Doris has a deep, baritone voice and an unsightly mole above her lip. She is the sister of Mabel and Cinderella. In Far Far Away Idol she is found preforming Cindi Lauper's Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun. Doris is an important asset to Fiona's In-Crowd. I hope you have enjoyed Doris's performance as much as i have!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Spread a Little Doris Cheer!

Hello all!! This is Doris blogging. As you most likely know, Christmas is coming and Hanukkah for all o the Jewish folk. I'd like to take this blogspace to give all of you enchanting Christmas lyrics that i know you'll love. However, i know how boring normal carols can be so i spiced them up a little bit! Hope you enjoy them! And Merry Christmahannukwanzakah to ALL!

Christmas Carols

Noisy Night (Silent Night)

Noisy night
Holy crap
All was calm, not for long
That fricken baby woke the dog
I hit his head with a log
Sleep in Heavenly peace...

Wreck the Halls (Deck the Halls)

Wreck the Halls with clubs and mallets
Cover the walls in grass and blood stains
Don we now our fag apparel...

Have Yourself a Merry Christmahannukwanzakah (Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas)

Have yourself a merry Christmahannukwanzakah
Let your feet be sore
All of the
Running round will make you sick
So have yourself a merry Christmahannukwanzakah, now

Merry Christmahannukwnzakah all!

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